At this time this a top 10 list. There are 8 spots left. 01 is Beaux-Art, Barbara Dion in Hudson, NC who has been rated as #4 in the country by one pet website, 10 on an earlier site. I rate her as #1. I have known Barb since 1990, co-owned dogs with her in Florida, we had a kennel compound in a storage lot in Ft. Lauderdale. Right behind Barb is 02 Wrinkle Babies in Clinton, Mo, Tami Gladden, an exceptional breeder and my warehouse of information that I either don't know or have forgotten. Thank you Tami for all your help and patience with this old man.

Available Puppy Listings

Breeder Listings

Mobile, Alabama

Ph: 251-293-1339

Breeders interested in a Free listing in our Breeders directory and available puppies pages, click Free sign up below. There are 8 spots left in our top ten list.

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We require a picture and all pertinent information about the puppy, DOB M/F Color description AKC Y/N asking price, etc. In most cases We copy and paste your description info so feel free to include anything you want to say about that puppy. Please send only 1 puppy at a time, no groups unless new born notice of litter nursing.

​The listing is free. Any donations will be greatly appreciated There is a donation link below and on the home page

To list a puppy or sign up Click below We will reply with a top 10  number for your kennel and personally contact you by phone. Puppies listed will be assigned a reference number to help identify the puppy they're interested in. We use active puppies in our media ads and facebook posts. By signing up you agree to allow us to use your pictures on public media for advertising purposes.